mkcert – HTTPS without a domain

Managing your own CA is the best solution, but usually involves arcane commands, specialized knowledge and manual steps.


SSL for services not exposed to the internet might seem like witchcraft, but even you can set up a local CA in no time! Here’s how


General usage

apt -y install mkcert
mkcert --install
mkcert "*" ::1 localhost
mkcert -CAROOT # Copy the rootCA.pem file from there for later, generally in /root/.local/share/mkcert

The certificate files are in the directory you ran the command in, go nuts!

Trusting on other systems

  • Get the rootCA.pem file from earlier
  • Install mkcert on another system
  • Put the file in the directory from mkcert -CAROOT
    • Generally in /root/.local/share/mkcert
  • mkcert --install


mkcert makes it so easy that once you have it, you only need two commands!

To use it you’ll first need to download mkcert or install it from your package manager, though I’d recommend downloading the pre-built binary.


LinuxLinux (ARM64)Linux (ARM)
WindowsWindows (ARM64)

For a package manager you know what to do

apt -y install mkcert 
yum -y install mkcert 
dnf -y install mkcert

For debian you might need to use the backports repo if you use bullseye at least.

Installing the Certificate Authority(CA)

Keep in mind that for everything below you need to be the root user. You can also prepend sudo to every command, but keeping your admin and normal accounts separated is ideal.

Once you have mkcert, assuming you are the root user and you are in the directory where mkcert was downloaded and the file is named mkcert, run the following command to get the CA installed

chmod +x ./mkcert 
./mkcert --install./mkcert -CAROOT

The last command will show you the location of the CA files in case you need to use the certificates elsewhere. This is usually in /root/.local/share/mkcert called rootCA.pem. You don’t need the key unless you want to create certificates on other systems

Installing on other systems

It’s as easy as placing rootCA.pem in /root/.local/share/mkcert on another system and running ./mkcert --install again.

If you don’t want to, or can’t use mkcert on the other system you need to upload the certificate to that system, then:


mkdir -p '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors'
mv 'rootCA.pem' '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/rootCA.pem'


mkdir -p '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates'
# The certificate needs to have the ".crt" extensions for this
mv 'rootCA.pem' '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootCA.crt' 

Home Assistant (HA)

HA runs on a form of Debian, so you need to do the same thing. This is also true for the Container versions(LSIO included), but you need to make sure to mount the files properly inside. See below

Container persistence

Container persistence

If you use HA in a container, you will realize that every time you recreate the container to update or change some docker options/environment variables, the CA disappears.

You can solve this easily by mounting the CA, however you still need to run update-ca-certificates.

docker compose
  - /path/to/rootCA.pem:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rootCA.crt
  • If you use linuxserver’s version, you can have a simple custom script that runs at startup
docker compose
  - /path/to/
  • You can set up a shell command in home assistant itself, though I did not test to see if integrations can properly startup with this method
  update_certificates: update-ca-certificates

Creating a certificate

Home Assistant

Now that we’re done with the setup, we’ll create a certificate! Let’s say you are running Home Assistant on homeassistant.local:8123 and and want HTTPS

mkcert homeassistant.local 
# Now if you ls you'll find your certificate and its key
# homeassistant.local+1.pem
# homeassistant.local+1-key.pem

If you want you can rename them to something else, maybe ha.pem and ha-key.pem, the name doesn’t really matter.

mv homeassistant.local+1.pem ha.pem
mv homeassistant.local+1-key.pem ha-key.pem

Upload them to your home assistant in any directory you want, maybe in /ssl or /config/ssl, then edit your configuration.yaml and add:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/ha.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/ha-key.pem

That’s it!

Using it in Nginx Proxy Manager

Access your frontend, you should know how to do this, then head over to SSL Certificates, and add a new Custom certificate

Add your certificate and certificate key, and you’re ready to use it!

Using it with python’s certifi

You already know how to use it by modifying the code, but to do it without modifying the code you can run this neat command

cat /path/to/the/rootCA.pem >> `python -m certifi`


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