The proper way to quit vi is to close the terminal and edit your file with nano like God intended

John the Apostle
  • Archivebox – Your personal wayback machine

    Archivebox – Your personal wayback machine

    ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites offline. Install Archivebox in just a few minutes using docker! The Internet…

  • Container can’t see my files!

    Container can’t see my files!

    Containers are sort of virtual machines, a computer running on a computer. They don’t have access to your actual files, just to what’s available inside their…

  • Comic Scripts

    Comic Scripts

    If you’ve read my blog at all, you know I like comics. Mylar is incredible for managing and automatically metatagging comics. It uses ComicTagger which is…

  • Stuff I use

    Stuff I use

    I really like it when people make lists of their tools, containers, whatever they generally use day to day. I had no idea TubeArchivist existed until…

  • Volumes and Bind Mounts

    Volumes and Bind Mounts

    Volumes are paths on the host mounted inside the container, allowing for persistent storage. Removing a container does not remove the files in the volume, as…

  • Gluetun – VPN for your containers

    Gluetun – VPN for your containers

    Setup both a VPN and local access for your containers in just a few moments using Gluetun! You can even use Pihole as your DNS! Gluetun…

  • Install Portainer in 10 seconds

    Install Portainer in 10 seconds

    Portainer is a container management software which offers an easy to use user interface for deploying and managing all your Docker needs! Here’s how to install…

  • mkcert – HTTPS without a domain

    mkcert – HTTPS without a domain

    Managing your own CA is the best solution, but usually involves arcane commands, specialized knowledge and manual steps. mkcert SSL for services not exposed to the…

  • World Digital Archive

    World Digital Archive

    Does programming make you dream in binary? I had a bit of a fever dream. You know how much media gets lost every second? More than…

  • He won’t rest, he’s training with King Kai

    He won’t rest, he’s training with King Kai

    Arigatou gozaimashita, Toriyama-sensei! Your talent was truly out of this world and has brought immense joy, unity, and most of all hope! You helped tens of…